April Greetings from Squadron 283

By Hank Elder

Commander Elder was a fire watcher during the 2nd annual Foster Warriors event. The founder is a member of the SONS and the Post contributed to this inaugural veteran’s community event. It was a true honor and privilege to attend and see Navy Seals interact with a wonderful community of aged out Foster young adults. BTW two of the Founding Navy seals Chuck Rubac, member Post 283 and Leif Mollo spoke at our March living history series.


A Easter happening: The SONS filled and distributed 50 family Easter baskets at Chaplain Rev S.T. Williams, Jr church in the Adams district. It was a great way to give back to a wonderful community. Also, the community itself helped pick the items for the Family Easter basket. In addition, community members helped stuff the baskets.


Finally, we have elections coming up for officers of the SONs. Let us know if you would like to be considered for an executive position at our April 18 monthly meeting.