Costumed Characters Converge at Halloween Oasis

Halloween night at American Legion Palisades Post 283 was a spectacular festival of fantasy and fright as American Legion family members gathered in their most creative guises for the highly anticipated Halloween Oasis event. The evening featured a costume contest that showcased the imaginative spirit of the attendees, with characters ranging from classic apparitions to modern-day heroes and villains.

The event was organized by Sons Commander Hank Elder, who was instrumental in planning the night's festivities. With the support of his wife, Diane Elder, and Auxiliary President Ruth Kahn and Post 283 Commander Jim Cragg with his daughter Charlie, the venue was transformed into a den of delight and spookiness.

The costume contest was the highlight of the evening, with judges facing the daunting task of selecting the best-dressed attendees from a line-up of impressively costumed participants. Laughter and cheers filled the venue as each contestant paraded past the judges, hoping to impress with their innovative and diverse creations.

"We didn’t know if this would work, but it did," Elder said. "It's about coming together and having fun as a Legion Family. Maybe next year we’ll invite the trick-or-treaters in."