American Legion Palisades Post 283

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Spirit Hike

More than 100 people participated in American Legion Ronald Reagan-Palisades Post 283's Sprit Hike and motivational speech by former Iraq War POW Jessica Lynch on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023.

Photos by Rich Schmitt

Words by Joe Ramirez

Thank you for joining our first Annual Spirit Hike event, it was awesome!! We had great fellowship, enjoyed a spiritual journey through nature followed by lunch with a guest speaker Jessica Lynch, POW Iraq War. 

Over 114 signed up, a little over 60 joined us on the trail and over 100 came to lunch to hang out and hear our guest speaker.  

Due to the positive feedback by those who attended and by some who couldn't, we decided to start a hicking group "Spirit Hikers" and gather somewhat regularly (to be determined and I'm open to suggestions) with a main event same time next year.  

There were plenty of photos taken and those who want to check them out, feel free to go and join our New FaceBook Group or type in Spirit Hikers.  You can also just respond to this email or go direct at

Also, the event was professionally recorded and should be fully available this weekend. 

We are also creating an email group to provide updates, just opt out if this doesn't interest you. 

Finally, there are some t-shirts available, if you would like to purchase, just let me know and I'll send details.  They are $25 and go to the cost of the event. 

Please don't hesistate to respond to this email or go direct at  

Thanks everyone for participating and allowing me to be of service.