American Legion Palisades Post 283

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Month in Review: Another Lounge Night; Website Upgrades; Island Excursion; and more

Lounge Night

We held our monthly Lounge Night again on July 27, the fourth Thursday of the month, and in regular fashion had a full house of smiling faces. Our first and second vice commanders Joe Ramirez and Richard Lombari were on deck serving barbecue chicken wings. Comb through the photos below to see if you recognize any familiar faces. We hope to see you at the next Lounge Night in September.

Website & Email Upgrades

If you’ve visited the website recently, you’ll notice a few minor changes. We’re now displaying the most recent blog posts on the home page and we have a sign up form for our email newsletters, which are also being developed continuously. Read the June email newsletter to learn how you can subscribe and unsubscribe from our email newsletter lists to get the right number of emails sent to your inbox. You can only update your preferences via one of our emails, which you would scroll to the bottom and click “Update Profile” to do so.

We currently have three choices: Event reminders (2-3 per week), Weekly digest (1 per week), and Monthly Update (1 per month). Instead of unsubscribing and losing touch with Post 283 completely, you can opt to receive less (or more) emails as you please.

Active Shooter Response Training

Retired Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Sgt. Mike Harding gave a presentation at Post 283’s general membership meeting on July 19. Read the full story, written by Auxiliary member and reporter Sue Pascoe.

Dinner at Two Harbors — From Left: Asst. Adjutant Jared Morgan, Executive Committeeman Dave Borgeson, Finance Director Larry Kirven, 3rd Vice Commander Richard Lombari, West Point Cadet Ronald Taylor, Finance Officer Todd Hickman, Adjutant Kevin Niles, Executive Committeeman Darrel Padgette, Sgt.-at-Arms Timothy Rowe, Historian Matt Louie, 1st Vice Commander Joe Ramirez, 2nd Vice Commander Steve Travali, Executive Committeeman Scott Wagenseller, Charley Cragg (front).

Executive Committee Attends Island Meeting with the Scouts

Post 283 Executive Committee members hunt targets with bow and arrow during an excursion to Catalina Island in July. From right to left: Third Vice Commander Richard Lombari, Sgt.-at-Arms Timothy Rowe, Executive Committeeman Dave Borgeson, Finance Officer Todd Hickman. (Photo by Commander Jim Cragg)

The Executive Committee held its July meeting on Catalina Island.

Most of the Committee members were already on the island at Camp Emerald Bay because their children or grandchildren are involved in the Scouts, so it seemed like a great place to hold the July 11 meeting.

It was also a great opportunity to show our members where a portion of their financial support for the Scouts is going.

Members of the committee traveled to the island by boat the Monday prior to the meeting and departed the following Wednesday morning. They were able to take in archery, shotguns and water sports with the Scouts, as well as watch the Scouts themselves learn rowing and canoeing.